Number five in the Carrera military science fiction series that started with A Desert Called Peace. Miltary leader Carrera faces down a threat from progressive totalitarians and wins the freedom of his country on a frontier planet.
The Carrera saga continues with entry number five, and the sequel to Amazon Legion. Carrera. Relentless. Machiavellian. Without compunction. Victorious. Pity his enemies. Be thankful he is on the side of freedom from totalitarian domination.
On the colony planet of Terra Nova, soldier turned political leader Carrera has achieved his revenge, destroying those who killed his wife and children in a terrorist strike, and helping to establish a free country. But Carrera’s fight is not over.
War with the Tauran Union is inevitable. Carrera has been preparing his new country for this all-out conflict for years, intending to drive out the last vestige of foreign imperialism in Balboa, the Tauran Union Security Force. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE