This science fiction novel, with special appeal for cat lovers, follows the joys, struggles, and consequences of travel from a world that will not permit exit.
Emotional life passages and planet altering events unravel as travelers, in realms both alien and familiar, peer through eyes of unaware hosts, into the lives of others. The mind-travels of the Kisans reveal dramatic visions, a startling shared past with their distant hosts, and unforeseen changes in their isolated lives.
Those observing, and those observed, include the sensual and voluptuous Sumee, dispensing wisdom and passion to all; Maryl, thriving on world-shaking technological breakthroughs and late-in-life love; talented, handsome, Bly, struggling with grim loss; Danyin, sharing wit and empathy, and learning the whims of a capricious universe; and Rob and Lena, living and loving under the unmindful gaze of their trio of cats - and the more attentive observation of others. And there are cats. Unaware. But e . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE