Ava grows up an orphan on an island of orphan girls, where most girls are adopted when they are fourteen or fifteen. Ava arrives at the home of her future family at the age of seventeen, but she does not meet her family. Instead she meets a mysterious man named Q, one of the super wealthy elites who control the world. A world where every non-elite in it is forced to live and work within one of the draconian walled cities. Q reveals to Ava that she is not an orphan in the sense that she thinks, but a sterile. Q tells her that she has been genetically designed to be both beautiful and unable to have children, and that she has not been adopted, but purchased by an elite just like every other girl that she has ever known. Q however, does not want Ava for pleasure, he wants her to help him end the tyranny of the United Government. Ava will have to find her place in a world that has lied to her, and chose between loving the most wonderful boy under the stars, or being the spark to a . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE